

Design leader, mentor, rule of ⅓ photographer, coffee enthusiast

Photo taken by Kate Munsch at Tartine Manufactury


I live in San Francisco, California where I spend my time running, photographing, and saying hello” to dogs. I currently work as a Director at Salesforce where I lead a team of designers who create software with an emphasis on artificial intelligence.

After graduating from Cornell University I joined a small startup named iControl Networks (now Alarm.com) designing home automation and home security software. Five years quickly passed at iControl and I left to work at several more startups focusing on mobile, social, and, of course, Bluetooth radios. Now, with 14 years of experience, I am a Director of User Experience on the Platform User Experience team at Salesforce.


Since my first digital camera, a tiny, 2 megapixel Canon S200, I have pursued taking the perfect photo. I am drawn to symmetry, patterns, minimalism, and, as mentioned above, the rule of thirds. These days I shoot with a Fujifilm X-T4, a Leice D-LUX 7, and a Leica Sofort 2. I edit in Lightroom either on iOS, iPadOS, or macOS. If I’m satisfied with a photo I share on Instagram. If I’m proud of a photo I share on Unsplash.

In between the tiny Canon and the current mirrorless was a journey of curiosity. I had a Nikon DSLR, and a small, full-frame Sony. I was never satisfied. The Nikon was too heavy and bulky. The Sony was too limiting with its prime lens. I’m purposefully skipping over my Holga phase. Now, with a mirrorless camera, I feel a nice balance between size, weight, and performance. It’s important to note that I’m eyeing the Canon R6 when I feel tempted to switch systems.

This website

I’ve had many websites since college starting with a couple files on a friend’s server before hopping between LiveJournal, Tumblr, Hype, Squarespace, Jekyll, WordPress, and now Blot.im. Blot feels like a managed instance of Jekyll which is ideal for me. I grew frustrated managing gems and packages and servers before on Digital Ocean. Now I just edit text files that automatically sync to Blot through Dropbox. Easy.

I keep track of topics to write about in Things, edit CSS in Visual Studio Code, and write in iA Writer. To optimize images I use a combination of ImageOptim and JPEGmini Pro. My goal is to constantly read and think about design and tech, and post my thoughts here.

On the web